Tuesday, 16 November 2010


As I wrote in the previous post I am planning to change my old website done with dphoto.com for something more personal. I would like to design it by myself because I don't have any money I can spend it so far.

I have got few inspiration how I would like my website looks like:
It is really simple and clear what I like, but for myseld I wanna design some kind of welcome page with a BIG picture where you click to go into website.

I love the idea of this website as well: http://www.marcintyszka.com/

It is done in flash but it is really quick and simple as well.

and I found some tips how to design it in the best, clearest way: http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/03/12/showcase-of-beautiful-fashion-websites/

and I found a great link fulled with many ideas about websites:

but they are much more complicated and unfortunately I have no idea of designing these types of websites :)

So I am now working on it, it is really hard to design everything by myself but I know I will be more proud in the end! :)

My business card and online portfolio.

Last year we were supposed to design our conteporary identity.
I desiged everything but I am not happy with my logo any more and I have decided to change my long name and surname for something shorter and easier for people who are not Polish. My new contemporary id will have Antonina Dolani designed again. I would like to change my logo, re-design my website and change my business cards. Old ones are with my current details which I am planning to change from March/April.

linkt to my current online portfolio is: www.adolaniecka.dphoto.com
As well I 'opened' my private site on facebook where I have been writting news what is going on in my photography life since last year : http://www.facebook.com/pages/Antonina-Dolaniecka-photography/267961725906

My business cards look like than so far:

I decided to use moo.co.uk service for business cards, because the quality of print is great and they are really well designed + they are really cheap.

From moo I would like to purchase postcadrs as well after I will graduate and I will be working more on my networking. I am going to send few different postcards to different magazines with my covering letter asking for any possibility taking editorials for them. I think it is the only way I can get into this industry without any huge networking.

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

First commisions

I have done two paid comissions for fashion designer and two portfolios for models  (paid) so far.

First commision for fashion designer I did in London for a brand COCABELLA. Young, beautiful girl started her own business and she is doing really well.
We shooted in May in London. It was a location shoot. We had so much fun, I was stressed a little bit, but it was lovely. We had really beautiful and sweet model Eirinie from D1 models, make up and hair did my favourite make up artist who I always work with, Alison Cameron and I was a photographer.

Here few samples:

My second commison was done in Poland for Michal Marczewski couture and it was connected with my exhibition I did this summer in Berlin.

We spend 2 days shooting editorial and look book, we had a great fun and it was really good 'brief' for me, because I learn how to work with people who pay and request concrete resultats and there are a lot of things you have to 'tick' to have your 'customer' pleased in the end.

We had a model from the agency ORANGE and professional hair stylist Marzena Baranowska and a make up artist Patrycja Helminiak. My assistant was Radek Rzeszotarski. It was really great team, everything worked really well.

Here I post my favourite pictures from the editorial:

Thursday, 28 October 2010

Exhibitons I've done so far

As I said previously my first exhibition was a group one in Kew Garden Pub, PANORAMA magazine organised everything, I didn't have to bother about anything which was great.
Unfortunately I wasn't able to get there for an opening night, it is really a pity but I went there few weeks later just to see how it looks like. I have got somewhere on my hardrive few pictures but they are not really good quality.

My second time when I was 'hanged up' it was AOP awards night, it was really great!

After that, in June 2010, our group did free range, which was absolutely the greates thing during my whole studies so far. 3 day our works were showing off :):) really nicely on the walls in central london, just next to really good and nice photographs.
Unfortunately I have got only one, really poor picture from my mobile phone to show you how it looked like...

after that we presented our works in Amersham and Wycombe college, but unfortunately I couldn't be there and see how it looked like.

My last exhibition took place in Berlin, during fashion week, I presented my editorial for a fashion designer - Michal Marczewski- during his fashion show, after that we had an opening my exhibition and there were projected a short film about his dresses as well.

Here is one of the picture with me, make up artist Patrycja Helminiak (next to me) and a model Martyna Wrzeszcz (on the left)

about whole editorial story will be in the next post. :)


Last year we had a brief which was about taking part in two competitions. AOP and LPA (nude theme).

For AOP we could choose pictures from our porftolio and entered for LPA we had to produce new piece of work.

For AOP I enetered quite a lot of different picures, one was:

You can image how happy, supprised and inredibly glad I was when I got an email that my entrace was succesful!!!

In april was student awards night where student of the year, merits and judge's choice were announced.
I came here with my friends to see how my pictures looks framed in this great gallery and have just a little bit fun. I had been already happy and then when they read my name as one of judges chocie I just couldn't believe...
yes, my picture was chosen from nearly 40 other as one of the best. I have never felt that happy as that day :)

Few shots from night and publications.


As a lot of people who watch me on facebook know I have already got few publications.
I am really happy of that because I am young and still try to find my style but people like what I am doing! It is really encourageous and motivating for me.

My first printed publication I remember really well.
I send my pictures to polish magazine released in great britain (for Poles who live here) asking if they would be interested showing them in their magazine. They said yes + few month later they asked me if I am interested in taking part of their small exhibition in London. It was when I was on 1 year of my foundation degree course here.
My works were handles in one of the Kew's pubs. They looked amazing.
Here I attach scanned pages from the magazine (pictures and small interview in Polish with me):

My second publication was (and in the same time it was a commission) few pictures for psychologies magazine I took during my summer holidays over one year ago.
They needed few pictures about young, rich and don't know about their problem, alkoholics.

Next, in november 2009 I was published in model maze magazine, an online photography magazine released in United States. They did a quite long interview with me as well which was great!

one of the page - rest you can browse on my website

In March 2010 the biggest polish photography magazine published my "Aquarium" short editorial.
I shooted this for brief and competition as well in January. Beautiful Holly posed like a star and we got great results!

rest of the pictures can be seen on my website.

In Mai I had this pleasure I was showed in two magazines! One online and one printed.
My whole editorial where I used projector was showed in Supplementaire magazine, which is quite new but really posh. It was really an honour being published just next to really talented photographers. It was possible to browse it online or you could buy printed version which was actually hugde and really expensive book.

(rest on website)

second publication was an introduce my person in famous polish fashion, photography & design printed magazine KMAG. they spotted me on their webiste and asked me if I am interested sending few of my pictures and saying a little bit about me. I was really really happy they like my works and they want to show me to their public :)

In June I had the pleasure to let Cliche magazine subbmit my two editorials I shoot earlier.

both editorials can be browsed on my website.

In June as well polish fashion & art magazine Take me published one of my pictures in 'young talents' section.

In June there was one more publication, more like a ilustration to describe work of my favourite make up artist Alison Cameron. Complexed magazine asked her for summer make up tips and they used pictures we shooted togheter.

During summer holidays I did my first quite serious commision (there will be other post about it) and in the end Prestige magazine showed our resultats in September this year.

In September fashion & art magazine from Cracow, Poland was interested in publishing my projector editorial as well. Finally it looks amazing! Really good graphic designer's job (font etc). I love it!

And currently my works can be seen again in Take me magazine (it is october-november issue). It is so nice they want again publish something it's mine.

And now I am waiting for december for next publication and hopefully my first cover... finger crossed!!

October 2010

Hello everyone,
finally I set up this blog. It was quite hard because I am not really used to write anything in the Internet about myself, I just don't really like it.
This blog will be mostly about me, my developing in the industry and whole professional side of my photography.
By myself I would like to show here my personal inspirations and backstages of my work I do for university briefs.
Hope it will be interesting for people who like what I am doing and they are curious what is going on in my 'photographic' life. :)
