Tuesday, 16 November 2010


As I wrote in the previous post I am planning to change my old website done with dphoto.com for something more personal. I would like to design it by myself because I don't have any money I can spend it so far.

I have got few inspiration how I would like my website looks like:
It is really simple and clear what I like, but for myseld I wanna design some kind of welcome page with a BIG picture where you click to go into website.

I love the idea of this website as well: http://www.marcintyszka.com/

It is done in flash but it is really quick and simple as well.

and I found some tips how to design it in the best, clearest way: http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/03/12/showcase-of-beautiful-fashion-websites/

and I found a great link fulled with many ideas about websites:

but they are much more complicated and unfortunately I have no idea of designing these types of websites :)

So I am now working on it, it is really hard to design everything by myself but I know I will be more proud in the end! :)

My business card and online portfolio.

Last year we were supposed to design our conteporary identity.
I desiged everything but I am not happy with my logo any more and I have decided to change my long name and surname for something shorter and easier for people who are not Polish. My new contemporary id will have Antonina Dolani designed again. I would like to change my logo, re-design my website and change my business cards. Old ones are with my current details which I am planning to change from March/April.

linkt to my current online portfolio is: www.adolaniecka.dphoto.com
As well I 'opened' my private site on facebook where I have been writting news what is going on in my photography life since last year : http://www.facebook.com/pages/Antonina-Dolaniecka-photography/267961725906

My business cards look like than so far:

I decided to use moo.co.uk service for business cards, because the quality of print is great and they are really well designed + they are really cheap.

From moo I would like to purchase postcadrs as well after I will graduate and I will be working more on my networking. I am going to send few different postcards to different magazines with my covering letter asking for any possibility taking editorials for them. I think it is the only way I can get into this industry without any huge networking.

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

First commisions

I have done two paid comissions for fashion designer and two portfolios for models  (paid) so far.

First commision for fashion designer I did in London for a brand COCABELLA. Young, beautiful girl started her own business and she is doing really well.
We shooted in May in London. It was a location shoot. We had so much fun, I was stressed a little bit, but it was lovely. We had really beautiful and sweet model Eirinie from D1 models, make up and hair did my favourite make up artist who I always work with, Alison Cameron and I was a photographer.

Here few samples:

My second commison was done in Poland for Michal Marczewski couture and it was connected with my exhibition I did this summer in Berlin.

We spend 2 days shooting editorial and look book, we had a great fun and it was really good 'brief' for me, because I learn how to work with people who pay and request concrete resultats and there are a lot of things you have to 'tick' to have your 'customer' pleased in the end.

We had a model from the agency ORANGE and professional hair stylist Marzena Baranowska and a make up artist Patrycja Helminiak. My assistant was Radek Rzeszotarski. It was really great team, everything worked really well.

Here I post my favourite pictures from the editorial:
