Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Reincarnation was spotted again!

It was really nice today to found my major project editorial featured on trendhunter and on the daily star newspaper website.
It means that people like it so I am really happy because it is really encouraging.

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Printed portfolio is finally with me :)

I ordered my portflio in UBYU books. I was waiting for it really impatiently and finally, today, it was delivered!
Have a quick look how it looks like, I absolutely love it, it looks better than I supposed! :)
I choose gloss paper but it is like semi-gloss which really makes me happy and everything looks so professional.

Exhibition in college + Free Range

Part of our assesment, both final major project and professional practice was to organise a final year show in our college and additionaly, for people who want it, to exhibit our work on Free Range exhibition.
I did Free Range last year and I found it really enjoyable. It was lovely to have photographs on which I worked so hard exhibited in London, meet friend on private view, spend a lovely night togheter and of course- it was a great opportunity for a networking.
As I know now I could do a lot of things so much more professional and better so I decided to do Free Range again this year.
Last year I had my pictures simply hanged on the wall and there was not even my name written anywhere (only on business cards near to my works) so this year I decided to develop this much more.
I will have 4 images of my editorial (which is build from over 10 images), quite big (size A1) hanged on the wall.
Under them there will be a shelf where I will put a nice notebook on it and people will be able to write comments about my works, what they think, leave their business cards inside or conact details. There will be two books with a whole editorial on this shelf put as well and there will be an info that they are for sale, and they are available to buy online on blurp site (I hope I will make some money from photography- finally...).
I will have music to listen to when browsing my photographs and there will be a special hanger for headphones.
It should look amazing, I am really looking forward in seeing everything being up.
Now, we are really busy with building our Amersham show and it is really tiring work. But today everything is finished and I could hang up my work.
I think that they look awsome! The size is just perfect, I was a little bit worried if they wouldn't be too small again (last year I went for A3 and they looked like postcards on the wall) but I am really happy with everything in the end.

Who is testing?

As a fashion photographer I need to work with as much creative people as it is possible.
I have not really had any problems at all in finding great people to work in London, I used to use modelmayhem.com website or they found me somehow and wrote to me first but couple weeks ago I started to think that I need change and I need to start meeting new people, get inspired and push myself further.

Last year I found a website www.whoistesting.com which is really helpful in finding creative people around city you live. To be shortlisted over there you need to be accepted by people who run this site.
I tried twiced to be shortlisted there but I did not fit into their categories (too less experience etc etc), I tried for a third time a week ago and finally I am there.

It is amazing how fast people started finding me, in only 3 days I got around 10 different emails from great people who want to work with me. It feels good because I know that I can always do something with them + it means they like my photographs and they want to work with me.

I would highly reccomend to everyone who is in fashion/beauty photography to try to get there. It is an amazing opportunity to start building a stronger portfolio and meet new people who are not only there to help you during photoshot but they can become your friends as well. It is all networking.

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Business cards

I research a lot of different companies to find the best one to print my business cards.
I really liked www.cardsmadeeasy.com and they are quite cheap as well but the only problem is that you can upload there only one design. As I have a lot of different images and I wanted to have them as much crative I can I went with moo in the end.
I used them last year for my business cards and I was really happy with the thickness and printing. They are really fast as well!
Last year I had 100 of them and I found that it was definately too less for Free Range. Anyway it is good to have them all the time with yourself and give it to anyone who is interested really so this year I went with 200 and I will re-order some after Free Range as well.

Last year they looked like that:

This year I upload in the back my own logo and I choose newest images. I absolutely love them!

I hope they will help me with networking and being more reconisable :)

Friday, 20 May 2011


As I have started looking for an assisting/ studio job after graduating I would like to share quite exciting news with you :)
I applied for an assisitng position to amazing photographer Kristian Schuller: http://www.kristianschuller.com/
He is really fantastic! Kind of Tim Walker style but still fresh and really creative. I just love what he does!

A studio menager wrote me back and I will have my interview in September and if I will be sucessful I can start an internship in PARIS from October... I can't wait to meet a photographer and studio menager in Automn, show them my work and I hope I will be accepted. It will be such a great opportunity for me... And Paris has been always my biggest dream... :)
So finger crossed for that, still have got a little time to remind myself french and work on my portfolio + saving money ;)

Invitation for FREE RANGE 2011

As I mentioned it somewhere earlier I take part in Free Range this year.
It will be an amazing opportunity to know people and spend a lovely time in the galerry talking about my works, meeting new people and be with ones I really do love :)

Please, find attached invitiation and feel free to come for a Private View, have a glass of wine, have fun and spend nice time in the galerry which will be full of an amazing art.
It is really worth it!

Last year we had so much fun! :) I promise this year will be even better! :)

On the exhibition it will be possible to see 4 printed images from my editorial in size A1- they look lovely, I can honestly say :) And there will be music as well of course! You will be able to listen to an amazing track composed by Bartosz Piekarski, he is really talented!
It will be also availabe to browse a book with a whole editorial inside and even order it if you want your copy! :)

I am waiting for you there! :)

Major project

I would like to share with you my newest fashion editorial which I produced for my final major project.

It is called Reincarnation- Awakening and I did it in the begginng of April.

The shot took 2 days (11 stylisations...) and we shot for a whole day + really early morning and midday.
We gad so much fun but yes, I admit it, it was exhausting.

Make up for this shot was done by a wonderful make up artist Gosia Walus (she is Polish but she studied at LCC make up and hair and she is just great), hair was done by Julia Skjelbred (really really creative girls with an amazing skills!), a stylist was Magdalena Pietraszko who send me over tones of clothes from Poland and a model, who owns taxidermy animals as well is Katy Cee (yes, the same model who I shot in the studio with projector last year) one of the greaties girl I have ever met. She really knows how to do it right ;)
Additionaly Bartosz Piekarski composed music for this editorial and Janusz Tomczyk produced a backstage movie which will be online soon and he was my first assistant as well :) Great man!! Thank you all for the time we spend togheter, we did a great job!

Have a quick look on few images:

A whole story + music (necessary! you need to listen to it, it adds a lot to a whole editorial!!) you can browse here:


I shared this story with a great website called DESIGN SCENE and they were that nice and published it on their front page! It looks lovely! Have a look:


It is always so so great to spend a nice time during working that hard. So I am really really happy I have this opportunity to work with the best team in the world, thank you!

Who is testing?

There is a great worldwide website called: Who is testing?

It is done for networking the best people in the industry. You can apply to be shortlisted there and then people can find you and work with you on a base called TestingForPrints. It means you do everything for free and they do make up/hair/styling for you for free as well. It is really a great base of talented people!

I applied to be shortlisted there and I am waiting for any response.
As a photographer to have a chance being shown there you need to test with at least two model agencies and 3 other as much professional as possible people and show them your 4 the best images.
I chose these ones:

And I evidenced my conection to different model agencies and people I worked with so finger crossed they will accept me :)

Getting portfolio printed- finally!! :)

I research a lot of different companies who are providing Portfolio books and boxes.
I really liked http://www.plasticsandwich.co.uk/ and I thought i will definately go with it but because of really short budget this year I cannot go with it so fat. Hopefully after graduating I will be able to afford it.
Portfolios are really elegant, professional and lovely done- real leather, nice design and different sizes/ alyouts available. Make up artists I used to work with- Alison Cameron- orderd hers there and it looks just lovely!
So finger crossed I will be able to get mine soon :)

So far I ordered my porfolio as a book using http://www.ubyubooks.com/
I really like their books. AOP used them for producing awards books this year, I got one and I was really surprised how professional they look like. Really lovely design, you can choose nearly everything, starting from the size, layout via cover, colour of the ribbon, head bans and end papaers. Such a great idea!

I was thinking about the size a lot and finally I chose Portrait book in medium size (22x29cm). I think it will be fine for my first portfolio. It will be black with nearly everything white inside because I want to stay with my logo colours and I don't wanna take attention back from my images inside.
There will be my logo on the front cover and in the beggining of the book.
I ordered it last friday and it should be deliver 28.05. I really can't wait.... :)

Of course I spend hours with chosing the best pictures which I should include. I didn't want to have to many of them so I stayed with 38 the best images in my opinion. During making a choice I thought about a feedback I got from John Wright and other people when I was choosing photos for this interview and I looked which images were published and which not.

Here I attach images which are going inside, hope you feel the same as me, that they are the best of my all:

I hope it will look amazing and I will be happy in the end. :)
