Friday, 20 May 2011

Online publishing

It is always really nice when you find your works being spread throught the world because of the people who love what you are doing.

Not that long time ago I was informed that two of my project published on behance (next point why it is a GREAT place to show you art work) are published on website as well.

They look lovely on the first page! :)

Have a look as well:

Other thing which makes me happy really is that my new, shorter name is getting be better known. I was used to be known with my older, longer name so it is good that I am published on different websited etc because I really want people to know that I am Antonina Dolani now :)

Here you can browse shortlisted editorials:

1 comment:

  1. Online publishing is one of the best way for promoting our business.
    business printing

