Friday, 20 May 2011

Another competition

In December or January I found out a new, great competition for artists called ARTISTS WANTED.
I applied for a chance to win and being exhibited in New York, have a grant for future project and being in the spotlight for a while. I was needed to pay quite big money for that but I took a chance.

It looked like that:

Now they are looking for artist who wanted to be exhibited in London but I cannot aford it and looking back I don't really think it is worth this money. It is really competitive and it is really hard to be noticed and shortlisted.
I got a lot of votes from people who liked my works but I entered really late and I didn't have enought time to have the most votes. There were few categories you could win, grand prize winner, merit winner (I think 3 people) and people choice. Unfortunately I didn't win anything but it gave me experience in choosing my best pictures + advertising myself. It was a good experience for sure.

1 comment:

  1. Nice information sharing about ARTISTS WANTED. I really like your post thanks for sharing with us.
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