Friday, 20 May 2011

Networking and collaboration

To help myself a little bit I try to sign up nearly everywhere and post my photographs where I can.
For such a long time the only place I showed my images was a Polish web portal called DIGART.

I am one of the moderators there now, it is really satisfing unpaid job ;) I feel like like I create this website as well now.

A year ago I decided to made a fan page of my works on facebook. So far, over 2,200 people like it! It is such a great feeling knowing that someone appreciate what you are doing.

I poste thee any info about exhibitions, publications, new material which is going online, any changes I have done on my website etc etc. It is really great place to share any news what is going on in your artistic life.
I really enjoy it, it is fast and easy!

This year I started using website hhtp:// as well. I signed up there around 4 or 5 years ago but it wasn't really useful for me that time.
The great thing about this website is that you can post a whole editorial as a one project and people can browse it all at one time, you dont need to wait to load it etc because it is really FAST! It is possible to add some info about the project, a video or music. I found it really helpful to spread my works around.

I designed my profile page quite similar to my website, I used white, black and purple- the same colours I use for my website.

Other website I have started to use again is
It is a worlwide webiste for any artists. You upload your art there and people comment it, they can add it to their favourites images etc etc
It is a great place for any networking, selling your prints, earning money, having friends.
I really anjoy it but it takes little time to get into it and be more popular because there are milions of people signed there.


When I came to England first thing I did it was sign up on website called
I found over there my first models, make up artist Alison Cameron who I worked with for a really long time and stylists.
It was really helpful and useful because I could do a lot of different editorial with people who wanted do this for free as well.

Now, I am working with M&P model agency all the time and sometimes with Elite models or Zone model.
I have got few stylists and make up artists I worked with as well because we know each other and it is always much more easier to work with a person you have already known.

I have got a lot of emails from different people as well who want work with me, they came across my works and they like it, it is really really nice because it means someone like my photographs that much that they want to work with me :)
I hope when I will graduate I will have more time to do every project I planned with all these amazing people!

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