Friday, 20 May 2011

Getting portfolio printed- finally!! :)

I research a lot of different companies who are providing Portfolio books and boxes.
I really liked and I thought i will definately go with it but because of really short budget this year I cannot go with it so fat. Hopefully after graduating I will be able to afford it.
Portfolios are really elegant, professional and lovely done- real leather, nice design and different sizes/ alyouts available. Make up artists I used to work with- Alison Cameron- orderd hers there and it looks just lovely!
So finger crossed I will be able to get mine soon :)

So far I ordered my porfolio as a book using
I really like their books. AOP used them for producing awards books this year, I got one and I was really surprised how professional they look like. Really lovely design, you can choose nearly everything, starting from the size, layout via cover, colour of the ribbon, head bans and end papaers. Such a great idea!

I was thinking about the size a lot and finally I chose Portrait book in medium size (22x29cm). I think it will be fine for my first portfolio. It will be black with nearly everything white inside because I want to stay with my logo colours and I don't wanna take attention back from my images inside.
There will be my logo on the front cover and in the beggining of the book.
I ordered it last friday and it should be deliver 28.05. I really can't wait.... :)

Of course I spend hours with chosing the best pictures which I should include. I didn't want to have to many of them so I stayed with 38 the best images in my opinion. During making a choice I thought about a feedback I got from John Wright and other people when I was choosing photos for this interview and I looked which images were published and which not.

Here I attach images which are going inside, hope you feel the same as me, that they are the best of my all:

I hope it will look amazing and I will be happy in the end. :)

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