Thursday, 26 May 2011

Exhibition in college + Free Range

Part of our assesment, both final major project and professional practice was to organise a final year show in our college and additionaly, for people who want it, to exhibit our work on Free Range exhibition.
I did Free Range last year and I found it really enjoyable. It was lovely to have photographs on which I worked so hard exhibited in London, meet friend on private view, spend a lovely night togheter and of course- it was a great opportunity for a networking.
As I know now I could do a lot of things so much more professional and better so I decided to do Free Range again this year.
Last year I had my pictures simply hanged on the wall and there was not even my name written anywhere (only on business cards near to my works) so this year I decided to develop this much more.
I will have 4 images of my editorial (which is build from over 10 images), quite big (size A1) hanged on the wall.
Under them there will be a shelf where I will put a nice notebook on it and people will be able to write comments about my works, what they think, leave their business cards inside or conact details. There will be two books with a whole editorial on this shelf put as well and there will be an info that they are for sale, and they are available to buy online on blurp site (I hope I will make some money from photography- finally...).
I will have music to listen to when browsing my photographs and there will be a special hanger for headphones.
It should look amazing, I am really looking forward in seeing everything being up.
Now, we are really busy with building our Amersham show and it is really tiring work. But today everything is finished and I could hang up my work.
I think that they look awsome! The size is just perfect, I was a little bit worried if they wouldn't be too small again (last year I went for A3 and they looked like postcards on the wall) but I am really happy with everything in the end.

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