Friday, 20 May 2011

Photo Vogue

In April I found out that Italian Vogue has got a special page on their website called Photo Vogue.
You can upload you photographs there, they are all browed by editorial stuff and accepted or not and they they appear on your special portfolio page made by them. that's the adress

and my protfolio you can find here:

Only one day after I upload my first pictures one of my photos was chosen as picture of a day!
It was shown for a whole day on the main page of photo vogue! It was so so so encouraging!

Couple weeks after that the editorial chef emailed me asking if I am willing to be PRINTED in Italian Vogue with this image.
I was just shocked!! My picture in Italian Vogue? June issue? Of course! I can't wait!!!

I hope one day I will produce a whole editorial only for them :)

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